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Data scarcity is one of the main issues with the end-to-end approach for Speech Translation, as compared to the cascaded one. Although most data resources for Speech Translation are originally document-level, they offer a sentence-level view, which can be directly used during training. But this sentence-level view is single and static, potentially limiting the utility of the data. Our proposed data augmentation method SegAugment challenges this idea and aims to increase data availability by providing multiple alternative sentence-level views of a dataset. Our method heavily relies on an Audio Segmentation system to re-segment the speech of each document, after which we obtain the target text with alignment methods. The Audio Segmentation system can be parameterized with different length constraints, thus giving us access to multiple and diverse sentence-level views for each document. Experiments in MuST-C show consistent gains across 8 language pairs, with an average increase of 2.2 BLEU points, and up to 4.7 BLEU for lower-resource scenarios in mTEDx. Additionally, we find that SegAugment is also applicable to purely sentence-level data, as in CoVoST, and that it enables Speech Translation models to completely close the gap between the gold and automatic segmentation at inference time.
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While the problem of hallucinations in neural machine translation has long been recognized, so far the progress on its alleviation is very little. Indeed, recently it turned out that without artificially encouraging models to hallucinate, previously existing methods fall short and even the standard sequence log-probability is more informative. It means that characteristics internal to the model can give much more information than we expect, and before using external models and measures, we first need to ask: how far can we go if we use nothing but the translation model itself ? We propose to use a method that evaluates the percentage of the source contribution to a generated translation. Intuitively, hallucinations are translations "detached" from the source, hence they can be identified by low source contribution. This method improves detection accuracy for the most severe hallucinations by a factor of 2 and is able to alleviate hallucinations at test time on par with the previous best approach that relies on external models. Next, if we move away from internal model characteristics and allow external tools, we show that using sentence similarity from cross-lingual embeddings further improves these results.
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End-to-End speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) is generally evaluated with text-based metrics. This means that generated speech has to be automatically transcribed, making the evaluation dependent on the availability and quality of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. In this paper, we propose a text-free evaluation metric for end-to-end S2ST, named BLASER, to avoid the dependency on ASR systems. BLASER leverages a multilingual multimodal encoder to directly encode the speech segments for source input, translation output and reference into a shared embedding space and computes a score of the translation quality that can be used as a proxy to human evaluation. To evaluate our approach, we construct training and evaluation sets from more than 40k human annotations covering seven language directions. The best results of BLASER are achieved by training with supervision from human rating scores. We show that when evaluated at the sentence level, BLASER correlates significantly better with human judgment compared to ASR-dependent metrics including ASR-SENTBLEU in all translation directions and ASR-COMET in five of them. Our analysis shows combining speech and text as inputs to BLASER does not increase the correlation with human scores, but best correlations are achieved when using speech, which motivates the goal of our research. Moreover, we show that using ASR for references is detrimental for text-based metrics.
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This report summarises the outcomes of a systematic literature search to identify Bayesian network models used to support decision making in healthcare. After describing the search methodology, the selected research papers are briefly reviewed, with the view to identify publicly available models and datasets that are well suited to analysis using the causal interventional analysis software tool developed in Wang B, Lyle C, Kwiatkowska M (2021). Finally, an experimental evaluation of applying the software on a selection of models is carried out and preliminary results are reported.
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We consider the problem of decision-making under uncertainty in an environment with safety constraints. Many business and industrial applications rely on real-time optimization with changing inputs to improve key performance indicators. In the case of unknown environmental characteristics, real-time optimization becomes challenging, particularly for the satisfaction of safety constraints. We propose the ARTEO algorithm, where we cast multi-armed bandits as a mathematical programming problem subject to safety constraints and learn the environmental characteristics through changes in optimization inputs and through exploration. We quantify the uncertainty in unknown characteristics by using Gaussian processes and incorporate it into the utility function as a contribution which drives exploration. We adaptively control the size of this contribution using a heuristic in accordance with the requirements of the environment. We guarantee the safety of our algorithm with a high probability through confidence bounds constructed under the regularity assumptions of Gaussian processes. Compared to existing safe-learning approaches, our algorithm does not require an exclusive exploration phase and follows the optimization goals even in the explored points, which makes it suitable for safety-critical systems. We demonstrate the safety and efficiency of our approach with two experiments: an industrial process and an online bid optimization benchmark problem.
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In this paper, negatively inclined buoyant jets, which appear during the discharge of wastewater from processes such as desalination, are observed. To minimize harmful effects and assess environmental impact, a detailed numerical investigation is necessary. The selection of appropriate geometry and working conditions for minimizing such effects often requires numerous experiments and numerical simulations. For this reason, the application of machine learning models is proposed. Several models including Support Vector Regression, Artificial Neural Networks, Random Forests, XGBoost, CatBoost and LightGBM were trained. The dataset was built with numerous OpenFOAM simulations, which were validated by experimental data from previous research. The best prediction was obtained by Artificial Neural Network with an average of R2 0.98 and RMSE 0.28. In order to understand the working of the machine learning model and the influence of all parameters on the geometrical characteristics of inclined buoyant jets, the SHAP feature interpretation method was used.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been reported to have strong performance on natural language processing tasks. However, performance metrics such as accuracy do not measure the quality of the model in terms of its ability to robustly represent complex linguistic structure. In this work, we propose a framework to evaluate the robustness of linguistic representations using probing tasks. We leverage recent advances in extracting emergent linguistic constructs from LLMs and apply syntax-preserving perturbations to test the stability of these constructs in order to better understand the representations learned by LLMs. Empirically, we study the performance of four LLMs across six different corpora on the proposed robustness measures. We provide evidence that context-free representation (e.g., GloVe) are in some cases competitive with context-dependent representations from modern LLMs (e.g., BERT), yet equally brittle to syntax-preserving manipulations. Emergent syntactic representations in neural networks are brittle, thus our work poses the attention on the risk of comparing such structures to those that are object of a long lasting debate in linguistics.
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In recent years there has been growing attention to interpretable machine learning models which can give explanatory insights on their behavior. Thanks to their interpretability, decision trees have been intensively studied for classification tasks, and due to the remarkable advances in mixed-integer programming (MIP), various approaches have been proposed to formulate the problem of training an Optimal Classification Tree (OCT) as a MIP model. We present a novel mixed-integer quadratic formulation for the OCT problem, which exploits the generalization capabilities of Support Vector Machines for binary classification. Our model, denoted as Margin Optimal Classification Tree (MARGOT), encompasses the use of maximum margin multivariate hyperplanes nested in a binary tree structure. To enhance the interpretability of our approach, we analyse two alternative versions of MARGOT, which include feature selection constraints inducing local sparsity of the hyperplanes. First, MARGOT has been tested on non-linearly separable synthetic datasets in 2-dimensional feature space to provide a graphical representation of the maximum margin approach. Finally, the proposed models have been tested on benchmark datasets from the UCI repository. The MARGOT formulation turns out to be easier to solve than other OCT approaches, and the generated tree better generalizes on new observations. The two interpretable versions are effective in selecting the most relevant features and maintaining good prediction quality.
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病变分割是放射线工作流程的关键步骤。手动分割需要长时间的执行时间,并且容易发生可变性,从而损害了放射线研究及其鲁棒性的实现。在这项研究中,对非小细胞肺癌患者的计算机断层扫描图像进行了深入学习的自动分割方法。还评估了手动与自动分割在生存放射模型的性能中的使用。方法总共包括899名NSCLC患者(2个专有:A和B,1个公共数据集:C)。肺部病变的自动分割是通过训练先前开发的建筑NNU-NET进行的,包括2D,3D和级联方法。用骰子系数评估自动分割的质量,以手动轮廓为参考。通过从数据集A的手动和自动轮廓中提取放射性的手工制作和深度学习特征来探索自动分割对患者生存的放射素模型对患者生存的性能的影响。评估并比较模型的精度。结果通过平均2D和3D模型的预测以及应用后处理技术来提取最大连接的组件,可以实现具有骰子= 0.78 +(0.12)的自动和手动轮廓之间的最佳一致性。当使用手动或自动轮廓,手工制作或深度特征时,在生存模型的表现中未观察到统计差异。最好的分类器显示出0.65至0.78之间的精度。结论NNU-NET在自动分割肺部病变中的有希望的作用已得到证实,从而大大降低了时必的医生的工作量,而不会损害基于放射线学的生存预测模型的准确性。
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